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My Story

I have always been a creative spirit and while working various corporate jobs would often get bursts of inspiration for personal side projects that would steal all my attention. I enjoyed contributing to big projects and having the responsibility of deadlines on my shoulders in my corporate life, but I needed to mesh my creative side with what I enjoyed about my corporate life. This led me to enroll in marketing in college which I felt was the best of both worlds for me, and turns out I was right because exciting doors opened for me after that and I started to feel that I had found my path.


My bursts of creative inspiration and the aspect of my corporate experience have meshed together perfectly and are now used to help brands succeed online. The word Dharma always stuck close to home for me. Starting up Studio C is me living in my dharma. Combining what I love, am good at, and can serve others with! 

Brand Story

Studio C was developed while on a soul-searching trip to Vancouver, BC in 2023. I was using this trip to figure out what would really make me happy in this one life I have to live. Cafés have always been a place of inspiration and calm for me, so every morning I sat at the same vibey café reading, journaling, and playing around on Canva. At the time I was finishing school for Integrated Marketing Communications and working as a Client / Marketing Coordinator for an award-winning aesthetics and wellness clinic in Calgary. Throughout my adult life, I have pursued various creative endeavours like podcasting and writing that I did just for the love of the craft and no monetization. So while in Vancouver, I developed Studio Curative as a platform to house all my creative endeavours in one place, and share them with my like-minded community. But when I returned home, I quickly felt the pull to do more with my brand and my life.


After having the opportunity to work alongside incredibly passionate and talented women in creating a strong online presence for their wellness clinic, I was inspired to level up my vision for Studio C and use my skills to help other small to mid-size businesses curate their unique online presence in a crowded digital world.

Let's Connect


Calgary, AB

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